
it's been one week

no, not the bnl song

it's been one week since i got invisalign
and you know, i was going to post pictures, but ugh....i'm mildly disturbed by all the close up pictures of my mouth area...boo

anyway, one week down, and so far so good! if all i have is a few days of mild discomfort every other week, then it's not so bad.....
i've gotten used to the no snacking already, and water is my new bff

i don't even notice the trays as much anymore...and the bottom one now comes off like a breeze...the top is still a bit of a fuss but that's because i have 5 attachments on one side, and 2 on the other....so as one side will come off easier, the other side is still stuck...and the bottom i only have the 3 in the one spot, so it pops right off

i'm glad i don't feel them anymore...tomorrow night i'm going to pa to hang out with my real bff and then go see toad the wet sprocket! so that worked out well that i didn't have to change my trays before going, and the first trays are so comfy, so it's ok to go out and stuff

so, so far this week, i had pizza night, and the trays were not an issue, we ordered out, and that was ok...we went out for dinner twice, and that worked well...one time i just waited til we got home to brush and put them back in, and the other, i used the ladies room there...not a problem....on sunday we spent the day with lou's family, and they didn't notice at all...well, i didn't tell them, and their eyesight isn't the best, so either they didn't see, or are being too polite to say "hey, what's up with your teeth??"

i feel like there's been some movement...it's easier to get the floss between some of my bottom teeth....but after looking at some before and after pictures (pics from the sunday night before getting them, and after being ones i just took tonight) i don't really see much of a difference...
when it comes time to switch trays, i'm going to compare them...i don't want to take 2 and 3 out of their packages yet....but i'm so tempted to to see if there's a difference between tray 1 and 3

my cleaning regime so far has just consisted of water and a toothbrush...and i only use the toothbrush if i see any especially cloudy looking spots....i just rinse them, and then i smell them (weird! i know!) to make sure they're not smelly, and then put them back in....
i floss brush and mouthwash every time before putting them back in...is that bad? too much?  i probably take them out 4 times a day....i'm averaging about 22 hours a day, give or take 10mins or so
i take them out in the morning after i shower to clean them, and floss/brush/swish
then i take them out at work for some coffee and breakfast, then floss/brush/swish
then i take them out for lunch, and again, floss/brush/swish
and then again for dinner, floss/brush/swish
is that too much?  i didn't swish today at lunch, and i didn't feel gross
just sometimes my mouth feels super gross, and i feel like i have cotton mouth
can i swish while wearing the trays?  can i have breathmint? or use listerine pocket strips? i got some of the listerine things, and used them....i hope it's ok?
i'm just super paranoid about having bad breath...sometimes when i take the trays out (in the morning) they're kinda smelly
i soaked them in effordent on saturday while having breakfast...it didn't seem to do anything special.....but i'll probably soak them again when i put them away and switch to tray 2

so, 1 week down, 43 weeks to go?

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